
Dive into a world of wonders and make lasting memories with our captivating boat excursions.

Taxi boat
The fastest way to get to your desired destination!
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Unleash the captain within and chart your own course with our boat rentals.
Embark on a voyage like no other with Boatum, where the waves become your playground and every horizon holds the promise of adventure. Unleash your inner explorer and rent the perfect boat to create memories that will last a lifetime. Get ready to make waves with us!

Explore our boats
Our trusted crew
Embark on an unforgettable maritime adventure with our skilled and knowledgeable skippers, as they unlock the secrets of the sea and create memories that will last a lifetime.



Did you miss a ferry to your destination? We can take you to any island in Zadar Archipelago at any time and pick you up from the same location. We can also arrange transfers from Zadar to any land destination.

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Our reviews
Perfect half day tour
We saw dolphins and had a wonderful time at the boat. Skipper was amazing!!!
Very beautiful